Our Philosophy

[hsection title=”Inclusion”]

GES is building a diverse yet an inclusive network of economists and professionals interested in how we can build a transformed economy through an open and informed policy dialogues and evidenced-based research.We involve all members and stakeholders in carrying out our mandates.

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[hsection title=”Professionalism”]

Economics is a broad discipline yet plays a critical role in the understanding of all sectors of the economy.At GES, we place premium on professionalism. As a matter of responsibility, we conduct all our activities with the highest levels of professionalism.We have therefore created the platform where all members and stakeholders learn ethical standards in the economics profession and remain true to the rules of the discipline.

We have created the platform enabling professional advancement, intellectual capacity development and personal understanding of the economics profession.

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[hsection title=”Transparency”]

Undertaking evidence-based analysis on an evolving social, economic and the environment realities of Ghana and Africa for informing policymakers, practitioners, investors, researchers, development partners and the general public requires the highest level of transparency.

We are dedicated to working closely with all our partners and stakeholders to ensure we work actively to achieve our common objectives.

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[hsection title=”Independence”]

We conduct independent and evidence-based research and provide advisory services to its stakeholders. We contribute, more broadly, to frontier and emergent economic thinking relevant for Ghana, to advance the development processes.

Maintaining this momentum requires the highest level of independence in order to avoid any form of influence on the outcomes of our works.

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