The Africa-China Centre for Policy & Advisory (ACCPA) – a Sino-African research and policy think tank and advisory firm, has announced that it will host the first edition of a series of dialogues on the BRICS Alliance.

‘The BRICS Dialogue’ will be an annual dialogue hosted by the Africa-China Centre for Policy & Advisory. This year’s dialogue is scheduled to be held virtually on August 15, 2023.

The dialogue seeks to track, analyze, and share key insights on Africa’s economic development agenda in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) context.

The dialogue is set to bring together policy experts, researchers, ministers of states, private sector business leaders, central bankers, representatives from regional economic communities, civil society organizations, academics, and thought leaders to drive conversations on how to prioritize Africa’s development agenda as a sequel to the BRICS agenda.

According to Paul Frimpong, the Executive Director of the ACCPA, “The centre is dedicated to providing unbiased policy and market research as well as distinct views on Africa-China relations.”

“Our aim for this dialogue is to engineer conversation in respect of Africa’s economic development interests in the BRICS Alliance”

The first edition of ‘The BRICS Dialogue’ is open to the public and accessibility is free. Prospective participants are required to complete the online registration in order to secure their virtual seat via


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