The Africa-China Centre for Policy and Advisory (ACCPA) has launched a column named ‘Africa-China 2.0’ in Ghana’s leading business, economy, and financial newspaper, The Business & Financial Times (B&FT).

This is a weekly column that will feature key insights and articles from the ACCPA on Sino-Africa relations. It will be issued each and every Wednesday.

The Africa-China Centre for Policy and Advisory is a Sino-African research and policy think tank and advisory firm. Its goal is to provide unbiased policy and market research as well as distinct points of view on Africa-China relations.

The Centre also offers strategic guidance on key issues regarding China and Africa, covering multiple sectors and industries.

As a leading Sino-Africa Think Tank, the ACCPA has continuously produced insightful content tracking all aspects of Africa-China relations across multiple sectors and countries.

Speaking on the new column launched in the B&FT, Paul Frimpong, the Executive Director of the ACCPA, reiterated the Centre’s commitment to providing actionable intelligence and policy insights to help African governments, businesses, and individuals better understand interactions with China.

This, according to him, would lead to creating a mutually beneficial relationship between African countries and China.

“This is a huge step in our commitment to disseminating key insights on Africa-China relations by securing a column in Ghana’s leading business and finance newspaper.”

“This is a weekly column scheduled for each and every Wednesday. And it’s named “Africa-China 2.0.’”

“The column will feature articles and policy briefs written by ACCPA’s Research Fellows and Associates from across the continent”.

According to him, such consistency in sharing insights and driving conversation and public debates on Africa-China relations will go a long way toward deepening and strengthening Sino-Africa relations.


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