A shareholder agreement is a critical document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the shareholders of a listed company. It is a legal contract that sets out the rules and guidelines for the management and operation of the company.

A shareholder agreement is particularly important in a listed company because it can provide clarity and direction to the company`s shareholders, who may be spread across the globe and have different priorities and expectations.

Some of the key provisions that are typically included in a shareholder agreement for a listed company include:

1. Ownership and voting rights: The agreement will specify the percentage ownership of each shareholder and the rights and obligations attached to each share. It will also outline the voting rights of each shareholder.

2. Board composition and management: The agreement may specify the number of board seats allocated to each shareholder and lay out the governance structure of the company. It will also outline the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors and the management team.

3. Dividend policy: The agreement will outline the company`s dividend policy, including the frequency and amount of dividends to be paid to shareholders.

4. Share transfer restrictions: The agreement may contain provisions that limit the transfer of shares in the company, including rights of first refusal and pre-emption rights.

5. Dispute resolution: The agreement will provide a mechanism for resolving disputes between shareholders, including the appointment of an arbitrator or mediator.

In addition to these provisions, a shareholder agreement for a listed company may also include other clauses that are specific to the company`s industry or circumstances. For example, it may include provisions related to intellectual property rights, non-compete obligations, or confidentiality agreements.

Overall, a shareholder agreement is a critical document for ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of a listed company. By outlining the rights and responsibilities of each shareholder, it can help to prevent disputes and ensure that the company`s resources are directed towards achieving its business objectives.