
This year’s FOCAC Dialogue, organized by the ACCPA, is devoted to examining and strengthening the dynamic partnership between China and Africa within the framework of the FOCAC.

This dialogue is designed to delve into critical issues such as infrastructure development, health, artificial intelligence and technology, environmental sustainability, trade, and economic cooperation.

This year’s dialogue will feature keynote presentation sessions by distinguished experts and a panel discussion with esteemed panellists, providing a comprehensive overview of FOCAC’s evolution, achievements, and future directions.

This dialogue provides a comprehensive platform for discussing the significant aspects of FOCAC, reflecting on its progress, and envisioning the future of Sino-African partnerships.


Kindly complete this registration form to secure your complimentary virtual seat.

Why Participate

Key Topics:


Professor David Monyae

Director, Centre for Africa-China Studies (CACS)
University of Johannesburg

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Schwarzman College

Tsinghua University

Banking, Finance & Outbound M&A Lawyer

DeHeng Law Offices

Dr. Stacey Links

Assistant Professor, Leiden University

Advisory Panel Member, ACCPA

Founder & Executive Director

Africa-China Centre For Policy & Advisory

Vice-Chancellor, University of Botswana

Africa-China Centre For Policy & Advisory

Shawn ZHU, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Advisory Panel Member, ACCPA
Executive Director
Institute for Global Dialogue

Vice-Chancellor, University of Botswana

Africa-China Centre For Policy & Advisory


Kindly complete this registration form to secure your complimentary virtual seat.